it consulting

We offer IT consulting services that will help you improve your software architecture, create a tech-driven digital strategy, and improve operations by optimising your software portfolio. Our software engineers will finish your digital transformation journey through careful planning and effective execution of the outlined IT strategy.

Our comprehensive range of IT consulting services for corporates helps our clients to effectively create, manage, optimize and scale up their businesses in today’s challenging marketplace.

Our end-to-end service offerings are aimed at maximizing our clients’ ability to transform their business in the most seamless manner, less disruption maximum return.

The consulting services offered by our company help to plan and implement whole cycle of changes of the company information system. They are aimed to detect and work out recommendations and help to solve customers’ business tasks basing on knowledges, skills and competence in the fields of management and IT.

Making use of consulting services you can improve competitiveness of your organization due to increase of operativeness and quality of personnel response to changing business conditions under strict control of expenses.

Quality of every work depends, first of all, on contractor’s competence. Open Technologies pays special attention to accurate choice and training of consultants which allowed us to form successful team able to implement projects of any difficulty.

Our specialists have:

  • vast experience of corporate management system improvement;
  • experience in process description and modeling;
  • vast practice in complex program management;
  • deep knowledge of information technologies;
  • worked-out implementation methods for every task.