industry verticals


Today customers expect banks to provide the latest solutions including 24×7 banking on all devices, heightened security, data privacy and fast customer support. It is important for banks to showcase their innovation and technology to remain competitive. Kredence can play a vital role in transforming the bank’s information technology infrastructure and also provide technical education and skill upgrades to the bank employees.


This is a high growth, high competition sector where new innovations are coming to market every day. Educational organizations are leveraging information technology and communication solutions to provide faster, customized solutions to their students and teachers. In such an environment the transfer and security of data and the reliability of the network is paramount. Kredence can provide best in class solutions to education institutions to ensure that schools, universities and colleges are not only known for their knowledge but also for their technology and innovation.


The engineering services industry today is highly competitive, innovative and technology dependent. No company can remain competitive in this industry without constant upgrade of their technology and workflow processes such as ERP, design and process control. Shortage of skilled workers and increased risk have added further to the challenges of the engineering firms. Kredence can provide information technology solutions that adopt the next generation of technology, create efficient processes and overcome these challenges.


Customers today have very different expectations on how financial services are provided to them. For financial services companies, managing data, market research, staffing needs & process efficiency have become critical. Kredence can offer various services and solutions that provide financial companies with the competitive edge for interactions and transactions with their customers.


The logistics industry today faces a range of challenges from fluctuating fuel prices, increased competition, geographically spread operations and thin margins. For a logistics company to grow and succeed they need to collaborate effectively with partners and process large volumes of data efficiently and effectively. Kredence can provide application, collaboration and IT solutions that work in harmony to provide seamless, secure and efficient services to the customers and partners in the value chain.


The healthcare industry is facing a technological revolution with collaboration and internet technology redefining how health care services are provided to the population. Healthcare providers need to reinvent their technologies and practices to remain relevant in this fast changing environment. Kredence provides efficiently designed information technology solutions that reduce cost, improve quality standards and provide healthcare to patients more speedily and safely.


Today’s pharmaceutical companies are under extreme scrutiny to provide very high quality products with high level of compliance with regulations at lower cost. Companies are struggling with patent issues, R&D, regulations, cost-pressures and even government intervention. Kredence can provide pharmaceutical businesses with the best information technology and collaboration solutions that will help them thrive and grow in this challenging environment.